Insights archive

Can synthetic biology live up to the hype?

Synthetic biology, or synbio for those in the know, is a term increasingly used for technology to redesign organisms to...
Medical 10 August, 2015

2015 Breakthrough technologies: the challenges and opportunities

MIT Technology Review recently revealed their list of 10 Breakthrough Technologies for 2015. The list is an annual look...
Consumer Industrial Medical 07 July, 2015

Electroceuticals or pharmaceuticals?

The year is 2025. You walk out of your GP consultation having decided between a pharmaceutical and an electroceutical...
Medical 06 July, 2015

2015 Technology trends

What are the key technology trends for 2015 that could be driving your R&D programs this year and into next...

Ultraweak photon emission for cancer detection

Ten years ago researchers from the Tohoku Institute of Technology and the Tohoku University Graduate School of...
Hot Topic Medical 19 May, 2015

Top 5 Tips for developing medical wearables

There has been much discussion around the design of wearable devices and whether they really achieve the benefits that...
Consumer 10 March, 2015

Advancing the huge potential of regenerative medicine

Regenerative medicine has been an important area for research in recent decades and as more products reach the market...
Medical 05 March, 2015

How to benefit from the bigger opportunities in wearable technologies

To date, the market for wearable devices has been focused on individual applications in health and wellness and there...
Medical 04 March, 2015

Key themes and topics from the biggest healthcare investing event of the year

We recently attended the 33rd Annual J.P. Morgan Healthcare Conference in San Francisco. This month, Sagentia’s VP of...
Medical 17 February, 2015

Developing a gold standard molecular test

On 6th January, the FDA made a very significant announcement: the Alere i Flu A/B test had been granted a full CLIA...
Hot Topic Medical 27 January, 2015
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