Insights archive

Condition Monitoring: why now?

The idea of condition monitoring is not new. What has changed is that the availability of low cost, low power computing...

New devices in personal care and beauty

A Sagentia white paper co-authored with Unilever. Innovation in the personal care, health and beauty industry has...
Consumer 04 December, 2015

Engineering our world

Engineers work across communications, IT, sustainable energy, smart technology, green transport, education, healthcare...

A rosy future for electronic noses

The detection of odours, in settings outside the laboratory, has usually required a trained mammalian nose. Human...
Consumer Food & Beverage Industrial 23 November, 2015

What is your R&D worth?

Writing in the Oil & Gas Financial Journal, Shahnawaz Vahora from OTM Consulting discusses the techniques for...
Energy & Chemicals Industrial 18 November, 2015

Using haptics to enhance sensorial engagement in the cosmetics and beauty sector

The global cosmetics market is forecast to reach $675 billion by 2020 according to a recent report from...
Consumer 18 November, 2015

Our constant companion: towards a deeper understanding of blood

Like many medical device engineers, we at Sagentia have a lot to do with blood. Whether considering how to take blood...
Medical 16 November, 2015

Remote sensing: opportunities, challenges & results

Sagentia explored the advanced sensor technology supporting the current robotics upsurge at RoboBusiness 2015 in San...
Industrial 24 September, 2015

Drug delivery devices – does the toolkit need changing?

Getting drugs into the body to the target organs and tissues is not always easy. The concept of the swallowable pill...
Medical 16 September, 2015

Sub-surface optical imaging techniques

2015 has been designated the International Year of Light by UNESCO. The UN hopes to raise awareness of the beneficial...
Medical 01 September, 2015
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