Case studies archive

ITGen: Lateral flow device development for veterinary market

Our client asked: Sagentia Innovation's client, ITGen, needed casework for their new veterinary and pet owner lateral...
Consumer 14 June, 2024

Water reduction for clean-in-place operations using vortex rings

Our client asked: Sagentia Innovation works with leading businesses across the industrial, food and beverage, consumer...
Food and Beverage 21 May, 2024

Paraytec: Cartridge development

Our client asked Paraytec has developed a rapid and highly sensitive COVID-19 test using its ParaySelect technology and...
Medical 29 April, 2024

Mammoth Biosciences: SEEKR instrument & cartridge development

Mammoth Biosciences’s leading CRISPR diagnostics technology (DETECTR) enables the enhanced detection of multiple...
Medical 26 April, 2024

Development of a hydrogen generation cartridge

Our client asked: Our client needed to develop and manufacture an actively pumped hydrogen cartridge for its portable...
Industrial 25 January, 2024
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