Joint Industry Projects
OTM Networks runs networks and joint industry projects covering a wide range of challenges and technologies, bringing the oil & gas industry together to collaborate and develop standards and recommended practices.
Advanced Well Equipment Standardization (AWES)
The objective of AWES is to improve the reliability of advanced well equipment through the development of published industry standards and recommended practices for the qualification of the relevant completions equipment.
Click here to view more information about the AWES Recommended practice for the Qualification of Tubing Encased Conductor (TEC)
Click here to view more information about the AWES Recommended Practice For the Selection, Manufacture, Testing and Use of Open Hole Zonal Isolation Devices
SAFEBUCK The aim of the SAFEBUCK Joint Industry Projects is to produce guidelines which enable engineers to design pipelines that are deliberately encouraged to buckle, but in a controlled way. By controlled initiation of lateral buckles at regular intervals, the loads are shared and reduced at each buckle site.
Subsea Electrical Power Standardisation (SEPS) The SEPS JIP, launched late 2010, is an operator initiative that aims to develop industrial standards for subsea power components. The main benefits of developing these standards are to reduce costs and increase reliability.
Subsea Obsolescence
The Subsea Obsolescence Management Joint Industry Project (JIP) was established to address the significant obsolescence issues being experienced by Oil & Gas operators as they attempt to upgrade ageing infrastructure or repair failures. To help in this respect the JIP has produced a Joint Operator Specification (JOS) and Recommended Practice (RP) for subsea obsolescence management.
Umbilical Termination Assembly Size Reduction (UMSIRE)
The Umbilical Termination Assembly Size Reduction (UMSIRE) JIP was set up in response to industry wide issues with the size and weight of umbilical terminations for Subsea Production Systems. The UMSIRE JIP membership aims collaboratively to develop a best practice document addressing the need to standardise the shape of UTAs and identify guidelines for their size and weight.
Our markets

Our consultants, scientists and engineers redefine what’s possible and help R&D groups across the medical, industrial, consumer and food and beverage sectors achieve commercial return from their opportunities.
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