Defence and Security consulting

Sagentia Innovation's strong track record in identifying and developing innovative technologies, combined with sister company, TP Group (TP's services & CMS2) strong track record as a trusted partner to UK and international defence agencies and prime contractors, creates a dynamic combination to evaluate technology futures and deliver generation-after-next products to the UK defence sector.

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Within the defence sector, S&T innovation is key to developing secure and operationally effective solutions. It is fundamental to understand where the technology opportunities and risks exist. In a world of stretched budgets, selecting the right technology is critical. At Sagentia Innovation we believe an important part of advancing technologies is understanding what technology exists and finding undeveloped/underfunded game-changing technologies. Sagentia Innovation specialises in technology landscaping, horizon scanning and foresighting as well as offering end-to-end product development services.

Working across a range of sectors; medical, F&B, consumer, industrial, chemical and energy, gives us a very broad view.

Our experienced science and technology experts are adept at developing technologies to fit the brief. Our multi-disciplinary team consisting of applied scientists, mechanical engineers, usability and human factors designers, electronics, software, and data science specialists means we can transform ideas into working technologies.

In the defence industry, the technology must be secure, robust enough to cope with extreme conditions, and minimal weight and cost. We focus on setting up systems that are advanced, yet reliable.

When we work with our clients, we endeavour to ensure the brief is right and then work to that brief so we can be sure to deliver the best results for our clients and the end users.

Key cutting edge capabilities:

  •  Sensors and the future of sensing technologies
  •  Material science and advanced materials
  • AI, data science, and machine learning
  • Engineering biology
  • VR and human augmentation
  • Robotics
  • Enhanced medical technology

Contact us to arrange a meeting with our defence specialists.  

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