Minimum Lovable Product - Using empathy to make your products fly

Author: Carl Hewett, Design Director

Investing in a minimum lovable product can enable a more seamless transition from early adopters to the mainstream market and quicker commercial returns. But how should R&D teams address this subjective matter? Our Design Director, Carl Hewett, outlines a systematic approach that puts empathy at the heart of product development.

It’s more than 20 years since Minimum Viable Product (MVP) was embraced as a key principle of lean product design. A MVP has just enough features to make it usable for early customers whose feedback informs further iterations. Today, while MVP is still valid, it isn’t always enough to bridge the gap between early and mainstream uptake. The emergence of Minimum Lovable Product (MLP) – a term coined by Brian De Haff – offers ways to overcome this challenge. MLP goes beyond basic usability to ensure the overall experience is convenient and enjoyable. This doesn’t necessarily involve adding new  product features, in fact it can be a subtractive process, read the whitepaper to find out more.

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