Insights archive
How the top 3 innovation drivers for consumer packaged goods will evolve in 2025
Our consumer packaged goods (CPG) sector experts anticipate a rise in ‘purposeful spending’ during 2025, with...
A design framework for sustainable, commercially-sound consumer packaged goods
Improving the environmental sustainability of formulated consumer packaged goods (CPG) is complex. It requires analysis...
Consumers and their views and attitudes around the personal care and beauty sector
This is one of a series of pieces based on research conducted by Sagentia earlier this year and introduces us to some...
The future of cosmetics and beauty: now it’s personal
Innovation in the cosmetics and beauty industry has traditionally been dominated by R&D advancements in formulation...
New innovations in beating urban skin stress
Creative ideas are often shelved until the technology is ready to realize them. In this article, we demonstrate that...
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