Insights archive

Home hygiene: navigating natural ingredients

As competition heats up in the green cleaning space, use of natural ingredients is increasing. However, ‘natural’...

CCUS – insights, opportunities, and technical challenges

Carbon capture, utilisation, and storage (CCUS) can play a significant part in reducing emissions whilst ensuring...
Industrial Sustainability 23 October, 2023

It’s time to get pragmatic about plastics in packaging

Single-mindedly backing one packaging material (e.g. paper) over another (e.g. plastic) in the name of environmental...

A design framework for sustainable, commercially-sound consumer packaged goods

Improving the environmental sustainability of formulated consumer packaged goods (CPG) is complex. It requires analysis...

Empathy in the design and development of women’s health technology

The development of women’s health technology can be significantly enhanced with an empathetic design process. Our...
Medical Women's Health 13 September, 2023

Can single-use endoscopes be a viable and sustainable solution?

Endoscope-associated infections are a major concern for healthcare providers. Long-standing data suggests that the...
Medical Sustainability 21 August, 2023

Scaling up synthetic biology: challenges & solutions

Synthetic biology (SynBio) is a field of science that has been talked about for some years and is now gaining...
Consumer Food & Beverage 09 August, 2023

The future of robotic assisted surgery in orthopaedics

No doubt, manufacturers of large surgical robotic systems have dominated the first era of robotic surgery. In...
Medical 02 August, 2023

Sustainability: AI’s Final Frontier

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is becoming an integral part of our lives and is transforming various sectors such as...
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