The Technology Management Network

19 August, 2020

An OTM study showed that the return on investment from R&D was not proportional to the amount of money expended on research; smart choices on what you do and how you do it, essentially technology management, makes all the difference.

The TMN is a unique, operator only network focused on technology management. Members meet twice a year with the most recent meeting being around “The business case for low carbon technology development”.

14 oil company representatives attended the meeting discussing areas such as:

  • How do you compare technologies of tangible economic value with the comparatively intangible value of environmental technology?
  • How do you articulate the value of environmentally impactful technology?
  • Are there any specific areas of environmental impact (e.g. emissions, water contamination, noise pollution) that are considered more important than others?

The operators discussed different ways of managing environmental projects within their companies, but one thing they all had in common was agreement on the importance of environmental technologies – whether emissions, energy transition, water, land footprint, bio-energy and waste. The ROI of environmental technologies is not easy to articulate and mixed qualitative and quantitative approaches are utilised.

The TMN has been running since 1998 (do you remember Saga, Hydro and Elf – all were members) and previous topics discussed include:

  • Technology Strategy to Expand into New Businesses / Alternative Energy
  • Field Trial Design and Collaboration
  • Harnessing the Value of Digital Technology
  • Effective Technology Deployment

The next meeting is scheduled to take place from the 3rd – 5th November 2020 the meeting subject will be disruptive innovation, (ii) technology implementation and (iii) collaboration

Please contact Crispin Keanie for more details.


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