
Webinar: How to approach machine learning on the edge for effective intelligent products

Data upload, processing and cloud storage can become extremely costly as well as being dependent on a reliable internet connection. However, sensor...
Event 03 November, 2021

Webinar: How to design your medical product to solve the user’s hidden needs

All medical device developers strive for better patient outcomes, but what makes a truly innovative product? User centred methodologies in Human...
Event 28 October, 2021

Webinar: Designing single-use endoscopes: smaller, cleaner, cheap enough?

Endoscopes are essential visualisation tools in modern medicine but due to cleanliness concerns single-use endoscopes are beginning to play an...
Event 29 April, 2021

Webinar: Unleashing the potential of digital biomarker devices

In recent times, we've seen a convergence of technical capabilities, healthcare industry needs and wider acceptance of remote, digitally-enabled...
Event 18 March, 2021

About Science Group

Science Group is an international science, engineering and technology (“SET”) business providing a range of services to the medical, defence, industrial, food & beverage and consumer sectors, supplemented by a strategic products division where the Group holds leading market positions in associated technology sectors.

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