Roadmap to deliver energy and water recovery in food production
Our client asked:
How can we capture and reuse waste heat and water from the production of multiple product lines to enable water and emissions reduction?
The project story:
Sagentia Innovation analysed the client’s processes at plant-, line- and equipment-level based on insights from internal teams and factory data in order to identify the most energy- and water-intensive units. The steps where capture and reuse of water would have the most impact were prioritised.
We identified technology solutions that could be applied to reduce water consumption and GHG emissions for the priority steps and assessed their feasibility. Potential solutions outside the factory walls exploring synergies with adjacent industries or district heating networks were explored in addition to re-use within the factory.
We determined which solutions could be implemented immediately in a cost-effective manner and what could be considered in the medium- to long-term.
Results: deliverables and outcomes
We proposed a combination of solutions to address energy & water consumption reduction at a plant/line level.
We created a roadmap with ~20 technologies that could help our client in the short-, medium-, and long-term.