What are the current operational experiences and best practices related to the use of Low Dosage Hydrate Inhibitors?


We provided details of the operational
experiences (OE) and best practices (BP)
associated with the use of Low Dosage
Hydrate Inhibitors (LDHIs) for an oil and
gas operator.

Our client asked:

Our client was interested in understanding current OE and BP associated with
Low Dosage Hydrate Inhibitors (LDHIs), particularly Kinetic Hydrate Inhibitors
(KHIs) and Anti-agglomerants (AAs)

Our client hoped to build on our findings related to OE and BP in preparation
for the potential use of KHIs or AAs in future projects. Their specific interests
included OE relative to off- and on-shore gas condensate and oil fields.

The project story:

We methodically researched a variety of sources to generate hypotheses on
the key questions and requirements formulated by our client, building on our
in-house knowledge and expertise.

The hypotheses we generated were validated and complemented by interviews
with six operators and two non-operators during the course of this study.
This information was collected and processed to generate recommendations
for our client.

Results: deliverables and outcomes

We provided our client with insights on the preparation, operation, and
monitoring of LDHIs.

We also provided details of the top three technologies used in our client’s field,
which shortened the time they spent selecting technologies in the hydrate
detection and monitoring space.

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