What roadmap do we need to follow to achieve our commercial objectives?


Our client, recognising key market trends, set
an objective to reposition its products on two
key market platforms.

Our client needed to align on what development projects were needed
to deliver this goal, and how this would be enabled.

Our client asked:

Our client wanted to understand if their commercial plan was achievable,
as well as to align a cross-functional team, to better understand what
external resources would be required, and to establish when best to fill
these gaps.

The project story:

We conducted internal interviews to understand the main commercial
objectives to be achieved, as well as the desired timeframe for
achieving them.

We held a workshop with our client’s manufacturing, technology, and
innovation teams – identifying the project building blocks needed to
deliver the commercial plan

We consolidated these projects into a time-based, cross-functional
development roadmap, which included the external resources and
capabilities required to achieve it.

Results: deliverables and outcomes

A roadmap was created, charting the evolution of existing products and
introduction of new products over a five-year timeframe – with detail on
key initiatives, partnerships and alliances required to deliver the vision.

Our client’s commercial objectives were updated in light of this technical
planning and the views we put forward, on what could be realistically
achieved within their given timeframe.

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Our consultants, scientists and engineers redefine what’s possible and help R&D groups across the medical, industrial, consumer and food and beverage sectors achieve commercial return from their opportunities.

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We have completed over 10,000 projects for start-ups and global market leaders alike, from understanding the market & technology landscape through to developing and delivering complex products.

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