Is there opportunity to reposition a stable and commoditised food product to command a premium in the US foods market?
This project aimed to establish if and where
there was opportunity to move one of the
client’s established products from a ‘value’
positioning to a more premium space.
Our client asked:
Our client wanted to establish whether one of its legacy products, which had
become commoditised and operated under a brand that had lost its shine,
might be repositioned to compete and win in a premium space.
The project story:
We undertook desk research to better understand the product, through
nutritional and sensorial lenses, and to examine consumer attitudes to the core
ingredient; positive attributes of the product versus alternative ingredients; and
products that might deliver similar types of benefit.
We also undertook consultations with the client team – to better understand
the strengths and weaknesses of the product, in terms of cost, ease of
manufacture, and distribution – and developed initial hypotheses around how,
why and when the legacy product might be used.
We tested our hypothesis by talking with market commentators and nutritional
experts – seeing if the idea resonated and the added value was credible – and
an internal workshop developed the data sourced through the consultation
process into a value proposition.
Results: deliverables and outcomes
We presented a worked-up value proposition – including a defined consumer
need, a profile of the target consumer, and a use case occasion. We visualised
the concept and storyboarded the use case, explaining how and why the
repositioned product would compete, and identified likely competitive threats
from other big brands.

Our markets

Our consultants, scientists and engineers redefine what’s possible and help R&D groups across the medical, industrial, consumer and food and beverage sectors achieve commercial return from their opportunities.
Our projects

We have completed over 10,000 projects for start-ups and global market leaders alike, from understanding the market & technology landscape through to developing and delivering complex products.