ITGen: Lateral flow device development for veterinary market

Our client asked:

Sagentia Innovation's client, ITGen, needed casework for their new veterinary and pet owner lateral flow device. Our client had no existing portfolio and was relying upon our experience in the area to develop a new cartridge for them.

The project story:

  • With their existing products using off-the-shelf components, IT Gen wanted a design that would stand out. With no existing brand identity, Sagentia Innovation’s design team had free reign to design a novel solution which would both wow the client and set the device apart in the market.
  • A range of concepts were sketched out, exploring form, texture, colour, profile and use, such as a device with a cap. The client selected three concepts, which were refined and modelled in 3D, and rendered into their final preferred concept.
  • These concepts demonstrated the different colour options and detailed the surface finish and texture applied to the design. Multiple images were created to show how the product could be differentiated for each animal species.
  • The final design was reviewed, and technical drawings were created so that the client could order prototype injection moulding tooling and manufacture the design.

Results: deliverables and outcomes

We supplied visual imagery of the final design, along with 3D data and technical drawings for the components to be injection moulded. The client was incredibly pleased with the output, and positive feedback was received at several points during the project.


ITGEN lateral flow device for veterinary market

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