Ensuring a sustainability policy matches best practice


Our client hoped to obtain insights on the
strengths and weaknesses of its current
practice when compared to others, as well as
the potential benefits of addressing any gaps
in their knowledge and processes.

The project story:

We analysed how a bespoke selection of competitor companies are
integrating sustainability and circular economy considerations into
their small devices, information informed through researching what
companies say about themselves at a product and corporate level as
well as views expressed by consumer organisations, NGOs, industry
commentators and others.

Key product and business model metrics for the sustainability life
cycle of the devices, from design to end of life, were used to score
each product and critique the relative merits of how each company
was claiming to address sustainability.

We further examined potential outcomes for the evolution of current
practice for each of the selected companies and measured how well
the sustainability profile of their products was aligned with their
corporate goals.

Results: deliverables and outcomes

Specific recommendations were made on how to learn from, and
implement, best in-class practice relevant to the needs of the
client’s corporate positioning and product development needs.

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