Assessing future risks of contamination of plant-based ingredients

Our client asked:

What are the future risks of contamination in plant-based ingredients, and how can we be better prepared for them?

The project story:

  • Sagentia Innovation interviewed internal stakeholders about how the company was currently looking at and preparing for contamination events in their portfolio of plant-based ingredients
  • We then interviewed academics specialising in representative crops of interest to the client about the changes in agronomy practices anticipated in the coming years and undertook an extensive literature review to understand how these changes were being linked to the potential contamination of plant-based foods
  • We reviewed the external challenges and internal capabilities to create a SWOT analysis and draw recommendations for future work

Results: deliverables and outcomes

The client received:

A review of their internal strengths and weakness, the external opportunities and threats, and recommendations for improvement moving forwards

Key trends in the threats posed as a result of climate change and illustrated examples of how these were playing out across their ingredient portfolio.

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