Vibtech – the world’s first wireless seismic monitoring solution

Design and development of the seismic acquisition system

Our client asked:

Vibtech was a technology start-up that had identified that there was
a market need in the on-shore oil and gas exploration market for an
alternative to fully wired seismic monitoring systems which are expensive,
heavy and time consuming to deploy and recover. They needed a team
that could convert this idea into reality

The project story:

• We worked with the small team at Vibtech, and explored architectures
to achieve their goals for a lightweight, rapidly deployable seismic
monitoring system.

• We became Vibtech’s technology development partner, allowing the
rest of the Vibtech team to focus on commercialization and fundraising.

• We designed and developed all aspects of the seismic acquisition
system based upon broadband cellular radio technology for
communication (a wireless LAN mesh network), GPS for location, as
well as the high sensitivity data acquisition and digitalization for the
geophones themselves.

• This included designing all aspects of the electronics, software and
the robust, waterproof enclosure.

• The ‘Infinite Telemetry System’ was launched at the ‘Seismic
Engineering & Geophysics’ conference

Results: deliverables and outcomes

• As a result of our engagement, this product created a multi-million
dollar business for Vibtech, including sales to China Coal and China
National Petroleum Corporation.

• The product achieved capital and operational cost reductions of
around 50% compared with conventional approaches.

• Vibtech was rapidly acquired by Sercel (now part of CGG) of France,
and allowed their venture partners to achieve a successful exit.

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We have completed over 10,000 projects for start-ups and global market leaders alike, from understanding the market & technology landscape through to developing and delivering complex products.

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