What are the most up-to-date developments in sand control chemicals?


Investigating state-of-the-art developments
in sand control chemicals

We provided a comprehensive and in-depth assessment of the most
up-to-date developments in sand control chemicals for an oil and gas
(O&G) operator.

Our client asked:

Our client was interested in conducting a technology scanning evaluation of sand control
chemicals with two specific areas that were high on our client’s list of priorities: sand
consolidation and sand agglomeration chemicals.

The client wanted to have answers to the following questions:

• What are the developments of different
chemical sand control technologies in the
past 10 years?

• Who are the leading organisations
worldwide in each technology area?

• What technologies have those leading
organisations been involved with?
Case study

The project story:

Our study focused on providing details on leading R&D industry players in sand control
chemicals, focusing on their existing products, current research, and future research plans
out to a five-year horizon.

We identified relevant paper abstracts from 2001 to 2011 and examined full papers selected
from this list.

A comprehensive patent review was also conducted to identify new technology filings.

Results: deliverables and outcomes

We identified technology gaps which were later used to generate a view on recommended
research areas for our client’s R&D activity.

Our client was provided with insights about the most recent commercially available
technologies, as well as those under development.

Our client was able to identify the leading operating oil, service, and chemical companies
– as well as research organisations active in this space – which were useful for our client to
compare with its own activities.

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