Navigating government policy changes


Our client wanted to respond to the UK
Government’s consultation in four areas of
waste management and plastic packaging,
to ensure its views on the best way forward
were heard.

The project story:

We explored the four consultation areas under consideration
and the interdependencies between them, as well as our client’s
identified sustainability progress and goals. We used our technical
understanding of different materials, recycling technologies and the
needs of specific products, and the requirements of packaging, to
ensure that the overall response made sense from a practical and
technical standpoint as well as exploring the views of a range of
different stakeholders, internal and external, to advise on the best
position to take.

Results: deliverables and outcomes

Recommendations were made on a final list of responses, including
a consideration of how different elements are interconnected and
how they influence each other. One page position papers – which
assessed the implications of our recommendations for different
business units and how they might need to respond, as well as
considering what the key challenges would be – were generated.
Further actions to be implemented following completion of the
consultation process were also identified.

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