Normalising connectivity – could unconnected devices become the exception?

15 June, 2018

In this article, Charlotte Harvey, Consultant Mechanical Engineer, considers the growing trend of connected devices within the drug delivery space and how it not only enhances existing devices but can give rise to opportunities for new use cases.

The advancement of connectivity technologies is not slowing down, and many industries are excited about the possibilities that are opening up. And with increased dominance of connected devices in the consumer sector, users’ expectations and behaviours have changed. 

Within drug delivery devices, the ability to transmit data faster and more reliably will make it easier for device designers to meet challenging user and business needs. And the spread of coverage among more users, to more distant regions will make it possible to fully integrate the connectivity function with the use of the device.

Emerging technologies promise ubiquitous, reliable and effective connectivity meaning that we believe adding it to drug-delivery devices will become a no-brainer.

This article first appeared in the June 2018 edition of On Drug Delivery.

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